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Everyone who has had a toddler has a story from behind closed doors of the bathroom. Whether it be while potty training or later on when we thought they could be trusted alone. Here are our favorite stories, “From Behind the Bathroom Door” we hope these make you smile as much as they did us!
Kolter age 4 – “While going potty Kolter asked for privacy so I closed the bathroom door and came back a few minutes later to check on him. I found him standing on the vanity with toothpaste pasted all over the mirror to which he replied, “Look Mommy I painted a picture for you”
Tip: This is a GREAT reminder to make sure your bathroom is safe for the kiddos- use caution leaving them unattended and make sure things like cleaning supplies are not within reach.
Berkley age 2 – “Berkley was newly potty trained when I worked at home. She had an activity station set up in my office where she could play various things like playdoh, color, paint etc. I was on a conference call and Berkley told me she needed to potty. I muted, took her to the bathroom, and then resumed my call. Berkley came back to play in my office, when I turned around, I was horrified to find her covered in poo… I asked Berkley what in the world happened to which she replies, I was just playing with my playdoh I made Mommy. Face palm moment!”
Davin age 3 -“Davin was taking a bath while I was getting his towel and jammies ready, I hear him making motor sounds. He doesn’t have any boat or car toys in the tub. I turn around and to my horror he is boating a floating turd around the tub. I didn’t think fishing was in my agenda for the night.”
Hilary age 6 – ” We were visiting some friends several hours away. We were staying in their basement. My 6 year old Hilary said she needed to go to the bathroom. After 10 minutes I realized I hadn’t seen Hilary come back out. I went to investigate only to find that she had somehow clogged the toilet, flooded the bathroom, and the toilet was starting to leak down the walls of the basement. I was mortified, and poor Hilary is still afraid to visit those friends.”
Chole age 2 – “Chole wasn’t quite potty trained yet when she surprised us and said mommy potty. We of course rushed her to the bathroom and sat her on the potty. We sat there and tried to coach her through pottying in the big girl potty. She didn’t go, we hopped down, and while she was climbing up to wash her hands she grabbed the lotion not the soap and dropped it all over the sink and floor. She slipped I slipped and we both were instantly covered in lotion. She tracked it all down the hallway, I couldn’t do anything but lay there and laugh.”
We would love to hear your stories of toddlers who took advantage of the bathroom. All of these stories have one thing in common, and that is all of these messes were easily cleaned up by Scrubbing Bubbles® Multi Surface Bathroom Cleaner. From lotion, to soap scum, to toothpaste, and even all of the dirty unmentionables a toddler brings Scrubbing Bubbles stood up to the job delivering a complete clean! I have to fess up that the child named Berkley is in fact mine, and yes she in fact thought her poop was playdoh. I also have to admit that if it weren’t for the sanitizing powers of Scrubbing Bubbles® I may have had to gut my entire bathroom. I used Scrubbing Bubbles® on the wall, on the vanity, and even between the grout on the tiles. Scrubbing Bubbles® is 99.9% effective at killing germs and bacteria.
Did you know that, according to the Scrubbing Bubbles® Dirty Work Index, 60% off people flush the toilet with the seat up? It’s not just the kids we have to be worried about. I have started to think that maybe I should be cleaning my bathroom daily. Big chore, I hate it. I used to do it only once a week. But since I discovered Scrubbing Bubbles® Multi Surface Cleaner and I generously spray the tub, the toilet and the sink and just run a quick wipe over them daily. This product is great for big messes and small daily jobs alike. We appreciate Scrubbing Bubbles® for allowing us to continue the use of their product in our home and have the opportunity to share it with our readers!
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